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2016-11-29 17:43

  本文南京万和CCNA培训要和大家分享考试经验,为大家提供一些建议,帮助大家更好的Pass CCNA!






  A.CCNA Certification Exam Objective

  The CCNA (640-407)exam will consist of a combination of the following objective

  1.Identify and describe the functions of each of the seven layers of the OSI

  reference model

  2.Describe connection-oriented network service and connectionless network

  service ,and identif the key differences between them.

  3.Describe data link addresses and network addresses,and identify the

  key differences between them

  4.Define and describe the function of a MAC address.

  5.Define flow control and describe the three basic metthods used in netwoeking

  6.Differentiate between the following WAN services:frame


  7.Log into a router in both user and privileged modes

  8.Use the context-sensitive help facility

  9.Use the command history and editing features

  10.Examine router elements(RAM,ROM,CDP,show)

  11.Manage configuration files from the privileged exec mode

  12.Control router passwords,identification and banner

  13.Identify the main cisco IOS commands for router startup

  14.Check an initial configuration using the setup command

  15.Copy and manipulate configuration files

  16.List the commands to load cisco IOS software from:flash memory,a tf

  tp server,or ROM

  17.Prepare to backup,upgrade,and load a backup Cisco IOS software image

  18.List the key internetworking functions of the OSI network layer and how they are performed in a router

  19.Describe the two parts of network addressing,then identify the parts in

  specific protocl address examples

  20.List problems that each routing type encounters when dealing with topology

  changes and describe techniques to reduce the number of these problems.


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